Book Chapter Title: Liveness, Presence,
and Performance in Contemporary Digital Media
Publication: Throughout: Art and Culture Emerging with Ubiquitous Computing
(Edited by Ulrik Ekman)
MIT Press ( 2011)
Description: The chapter, co-authored with Jay Bolter, Blair MacIntyre, and Michael Nitsche, comprises a comprehensive anthology of more than 40 research articles from a constellation of scholars across the world focusing on the cultural and technical implications of the third wave of computing now emerging.
Publisher’s site: http://www.mitpress.mit.edu

Full-length Papers:
Article Title: Digital Dance Theatre: The Marriage of Computers,
Choreography and Techno/Human Reactivity
Publication: Body, Space and Technology
Volume 3, Number 1 (2002)
Description: Body, Space & Tecnology is an electronic journal covering a diversity of critical research across a range of contemporary arts practices. It is published by the Department of Performing Arts, Brunel University, UK.
Journal's Web Site: http://people.brunel.ac.uk/bst/home.htm

Article Title: Concepts of Design for a Digital Stage

Publication: Crossings: The Electronic Journal of Art and Technology

Issue 4.1 (2004)

Journal Description: Crossings is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary academic journal that aims to explore the areas where technology and art intersect. Papers are encouraged on any topic related to art, technology or the philosophical issues raised by attempts to bridge the gap between art and science.

Journal's Web Site: http://crossings.tcd.ie

The journal is published by Trinity College, University of Dublin.

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Article Title: Dissertation Research Perspectives on Utilizing Digital
Tools in Educational Settings

Publication: Scenography International

Issue 7 (2004): Digital Special Issue
Journal Description: This journal offers a forum for the discussion and dissemination of research relating to scenography, as it is studied and practiced internationally. In addition, the journal publishes research on current projects and issues, which particular emphasis on digital and new media endeavors. Topics most recently covered include: A Theory of Scenographic Practice Computer Aided Designs & Computer Aided Scenography and Theatre History in Europe: Architectural and Textual Resources Online-The 1922 International Theatre Exhibition. The journal is published by Loughborough University, UK.

The journal's Web site is not currently available
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Article Title: The DuSable Project: Hypertext Narrative Strategies in Live Performance

Publication: Leonardo Electronic Almanac

Volume 13, Issue 1 (January 2005)
Journal Description: Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) is a peer-review journal dedicated to exploring the realm where art, science & technology converge. The publication includes: feature articles comprised of theoretical and technical perspectives; the LEA Gallery exhibiting new media artwork by international artists; detailed information about new publications in various media; Leonardo Reviews of publications, events and exhibitions. LEA is the electronic arm of Leonard-Journal of Art, Science & Technology and is published under the auspices of The MIT Press.

Journal's Web Site: http://leoalmanac.org
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Article Title: The Value of Technology in Performing Arts Education

Publication: Inventio: Creative Thinking about Learning and Teaching

Volume 8, Issue 1 (Fall 2006)
Journal Description: Inventio, a peer-review academic journal exploring issues relating to the scholarship of teaching, is published by George Mason University. Articles focus on education research, instructional philosophy, pedagogy, learning theory and other significant matters concerning excellence in teaching.

Journal's Web Site: http://www.doit.gmu.edu/inventio
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Article Title: Augmenting Creative Realities:
the Second Life Performance Project

Publication: Leonardo: the Journal of the International Society for Arts, Sciences, and Technology

Volume 42, Issue 1 (2009)
Journal Description: Leonardo is the leading journal for readers interested in the
application of contemporary science and technology to the arts.

Journal's Web Site: http://leonardo.info/isast/journal/currentiss.html
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Article Title: (Book Review) Avatar Bodies: A Tantra for Posthumanism
by Ann Weinstone

Publication: Technoetic Arts: An International Journal of Speculative Research

Volume 2 Number 3 (2004)
Journal Description: This peer-reviewed journal presents the cutting edge of ideas, projects and practices arising from the confluence of art, science, technology and consciousness research. It has a special interest in matters of mind and the extension of the senses through technologies of cognition and perception. The journal, edited by noted media scholar Roy Ascott, is distributed by Intellect Publishing, Bristol, UK.

Journal's Web Site: http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/journals.php?issn=1477965X
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Article Title: (Performance Review) Media Influences on Second City’s Mainstage Improv Offerings in Chicago and Toronto (July 2004)

Publication: Theatre Journal

Spring 2005
Journal Description: For over five decades, Theatre Journal's broad array of scholarly articles and reviews has earned it an international reputation as one of the most authoritative and useful publications of theatre studies available today. Drawing contributions from noted practitioners and scholars, Theatre Journal features social and historical studies, production reviews, and theoretical inquiries that analyze dramatic texts and production. It is published by The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Publisher’s Web Site: http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/theatre_journal
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Chicago Mainstage
Toronto Mainstage

Article Title: (Performance Review) John Jesurun’s Faust/How I Rose
2004 Next Wave Festival, Brooklyn Academy of Music

Publication: Theatre Journal

October 2005
Journal Description: Theatre Journal, published by The Johns Hopkins University Press, focuses on the study of theatre and performance, with emphasis on historical scholarship, reviews of current productions and theoretical investigations of dramatic texts.

Publisher’s Web Site: http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/theatre_journal
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Article Title: (Book Review) Digital Performance: A History of
New Media in Theatre, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation
by Steve Dixon with contributions by Barry Smith

Publication: Theatre Journal

December 2007
Journal Description: Theatre Journal, published by The Johns Hopkins University Press, examines theatre and performance studies scholarship and praxis.

Publisher’s Web Site: http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/theatre_journal
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Article Title: Generative Systems
Publication: The Web site of Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art Science and Technology
May 2007
Description: The digital publication, funded by a researcher-in-residence grant from the Daniel Langlois Foundation of Montreal, Canada, charts the history of the Generative Systems, a groundbreaking instructional program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago by Professor Sonia Landy Sheridan. The work chronicles the program’s founding ideology, core curriculum and organizational structure in order to document the ways in which Sheridan’s methods of instruction gave rise to a new pedagogical framework from which to explore the implications of emerging communications technologies on art production.
Publication: http://www.fondation-langlois.org/flash/e/index.php?NumPage=1991

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