and Workshop Presentations |
Conference Papers: |
Theatre: Utilizing New Media Technologies on Stage”
Graduate Student Conference in Theatre, University of Wisconsin-Madison
(February, 2002) |
“The Digitized
Body in Performance” International Conference for Digital Technology
and the Performing Arts, School of Intermedia and Performance, Doncaster
College, UK (June 2003) |
Transformations and the American Avant-Garde Movement: 40 Years in
the Life of La MaMa e.t.c.” Design and Technology Focus Group,
Association for Theatre in Higher Education National Conference, New
York (July 2003) |
“New Directions in Playwrighting:
Digital Technologies and Hypertext Narrative Strategies in Live Performance”
Mid America Theatre Conference, Theatre History Symposium, Chicago,
Illinois (March, 2004) |
“Directing in a Multimedia
Stage Environment” Theatre and Intermediality Working Group,
International Federation of Theatre Research, St. Petersburg, Russia
(May, 2004) |
“Interactive Multimedia
and Scripting”, invited presentation, Playwrighting Symposium,
Mid-America Theatre Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, March 2005." |
“Devising a Mobile Aesthetic:
The Impact of Transportable Technologies on
Interactive Performance” paper given at the International Federation
of Theatre Research conference, University of Maryland (June 2005)" |
by HOBNOB team members (a group of digital performance scholars/practitioners),
International Federation of Theatre Research Annual Conference,
University of Maryland (June 2005). |
“The Performance Potential
of Digital Domains”, a paper and technical demonstration presented
at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education national conference,
Chicago, Illinois (August 2006). The presentation was sponsored by
a multidisciplinary consortium of focus groups, including: the Electronic
Technology Committee, Theatre as a Liberal Art and Performance Studies. |
"Composing Electronic
Dissertations: Digital Tools and Resources for Graduate Students,"
a paper presented as part by the Electronic Technology Committee
Focus Group, Association for Theatre in Higher Education National
Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana (July 2007). |
use this link to access a podcast of the session |
"Generative Systems: the Art
and Technology of Classroom Collaboration," a paper to be given at
Re:place 2007: the Second International Conference on the Histories
of Media, Art, Science and Technology, to be held in Berlin, Germany
(November 2007). |
2007: the Second International Conference on the Histories
Media, Art, Science and Technology (Berlin, November
15-18, 2007). |
Discussion leader, “Research
Questions that Matter,” Virtual Worlds and New Realities in Commerce,
Politics, and Society Conference, Goizueta Business School, Emory
University, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2008. |
“Performance Under the Microscope:
Case Studies in Theatre and Multimedia Research,” a paper delivered
at the 2010 Southeastern Theatre Conference, Agnes Scott College,
Decatur, Georgia, April 2010. |
Fat Man in a Little Coat:
Chris Farley and Pedagogical Inspiration,” a paper presented
at the national conference of the Popular Culture Association, San
Antonio, Texas, April 2011. |
Participation: |
"Play Development
Workshop", Assistant Director Association for Theatre in Higher
Education, Washington, D. C. (August, 2000) |
"Play Development
Workshop", Assistant Director Association for Theatre in Higher
Education, Chicago, IL. (August, 2001) |
“Staging History II:
American Identity and Myth”, Chair of panel sponsored by The
American Theatre and Drama Society at the Association Theatre in Higher
Education national convention, Toronto, Canada (July, 2004) |
Roundtable participant, "Research
Questions that Matter," Virtual Worlds and New Realities in Commerce,
Politics, and Society Conference, Goizueta Business School, Emory
University, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2008. |
Discussion Leader, "Radical
Shifts: Governing Ahead of the Curve," Theatre Communications
Group's Fall Forum, New York, November 2008. |
Consciousness Symposium, featuring speakers from the Planetary
Collegium, School of Computing, Electronics and Communications,
University of Plymouth (UK). The Symposium events took place
at the Dallas Museum of Art and The Trammell and Margaret
Crow Collection of Asian Art (April 2005) |
Presentations: |
3-D Technology
Troika Ranch Summer Live-1 Workshop, New York, NY (June, 2002) |
Designs for a 3-D
Stage Environment,
International Theatre Director’s Symposium, La Mama Experimental
Club, Spoleto, Italy (July, 2002) |
Leader, Theatre Games Workshop,
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Spring
Symposium, Stanford University (March 2009) |
International Federation of Theatre Research Annual Conference
St Petersburg, Russia (May 2004) |